This website is for entertainment purposes only. Star Trek©, the Characters, Logo's Etc. are all property of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company. This website is not affiliated with Paramount or Viacom in any way and is not supported or endorsed by either company. This website is part of a NON-PROFIT SIM organization that is focused on providing fun filled SIMs for members free of charge. It is these members that are dedicated Star Trek fans and provide part of the support that keeps Star Trek© and the dream of Gene Roddenberry Alive!
Some images and graphics contained in this website have been acquired through websurfing. Star Trek In Sound and Vision was a provider of many items, but the site is no longer active. TrekScripts was another site where informaiton was acquired, but it too is no longer active. Data from the net has been assimilated into this website. Images have also been used with website permission from StarTrek Insignas. This website does not benefit it's creator or users financially.